Nationwide Coverage

Daniel Powers, MD
Board Certified Diagnostic Radiologist, B-Reader, Expert WitnessILO Chest X-Ray + CT/HRCT Interpretations for
Attorneys, Corporations and Government Agencies
Bankruptcy ILO Readings
Deposition & Trial Testimony
Can read from films, CDs, Thumb Drives and Secure Dropbox
Can provide Remote Educational Seminars
Can Review Multiple Imaging Studies for Trial Preparation
Since 1984, Dr. Daniel Powers has been a Federal Government certified B-Reader, and has previously provided imaging work-ups (including chest x-rays, supine spiral CTs and supine and prone HRCTs), inclusive of individuals to large screening projects, expert witness and educational services. Use Dr. Daniel Powers to determine whether a respiratory problem caused by occupational dust and fiber exposure, such as asbestosis, silicosis or coal workers’ pneumoconiosis/black lung disease has markers for such, seen on imaging studies.
Where Dr. Powers’ imaging skills have been utilized, include:
- An Individual, trying to find an expert to determine if there are markers of occupational dust or fiber exposure on imaging studies.
- A Family Member(s) of a worker exposed to asbestos fibers, experiencing secondary exposure, such as from the work clothing brought home to be washed.
- An Occupational Clinic, monitoring patients for the presence or absence of disease and if present, for any progression.
- A Corporation having workers with exposures, needing on-going monitoring.
- A Union seeking to determine if any of its membership has the imaging presence of an occupational lung disease.
- A Government Agency with a population having had appropriate exposure, needing assessment or offering a compensation fund for those with appropriate imaging markers, needing a panel expert.
- An Insurance Adjuster or Defense Attorney processing/defending a Workers’ Compensation, Personal Injury or Railroad claim.
- An Applicant/Plaintiff Attorney prosecuting a Workers’ Compensation, Personal Injury or Railroad claim or submitting a Bankruptcy claim.
- A Subcontractor proving imaging services and interpretations to others.
- A Health Agency or Clinic, providing OSHA and other agency mandated screenings.
- A Hospital, Imaging Group or Solo Physician wishing to offer occupational lung screening services and needing full or part time coverage for imaging needs.